Sedation in Vancouver, WA

IV sedation is a mild to moderate form of sedation. Unlike general anesthesia, it allows you to have full control over your body—you can breathe, speak, follow directions, and even cough if necessary. However, it blocks your ability to form new memories, so you won't remember the procedure. You'll be relaxed and unaware of your surroundings, much like if you were asleep and someone walked through your room.

PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) technology involves drawing a small amount of your blood and spinning it in a centrifuge to separate the red blood cells from the white blood cells. White blood cells are essential in fighting infections and, along with platelets, form a "super clot" filled with immune particles. This super clot aids in faster, easier healing of the surgical site and helps prevent complications, allowing the gums to close more quickly.

After the procedure, you will be put on a specific regimen of medications that promote healing, fight inflammation, and prevent infections. This regimen ensures a quick and easy recovery, with most patients experiencing only mild discomfort for two to three days before resuming their normal activities.

The combination of IV sedation, PRF technology, and a specific medication regimen significantly improves the wisdom teeth removal experience. Thanks to continuous education, extensive research, and handling numerous cases, these advancements make the process much less daunting. As a result, wisdom teeth extraction becomes a minor inconvenience that quickly fades from memory once the medication wears off.

If you feel you need a consultation for your wisdom teeth, please call Pacific Park Family Dental at (360) 803-3546.


IV Sedation

We now offer a sedation option that allows even the most anxious patients to undergo treatment. With this level of sedation no intubation is necessary, while allowing the breathing mechanisms to function on their own. The patient will remember very little of treatment after the medications wear off.